The CCA®
Exam consists of 100
multiple-choice, 90 scored items and 10 pretest items.
The time allotted for this
exam is 2 hours.
Candidates' scores
are based solely upon the number of scored items on the
exam - pretest items do not affect the candidates'
score. Pretest questions are administered to evaluate
the item's difficulty level for possible inclusion as a
scored question in future exams.
These pretest
questions are dispersed throughout the exam and cannot
be identified by the candidate.
The CCA exam is based
on ICD-9-CM codes effective October 1, 2009, and CPT
codes effective January 1, 2010. Only the American
Medical Association CPT codebook is permitted. HCPCS II
codebooks and ICD-9-CM codebooks containing HCPCS
national level II codebooks are not permitted for this